Same Day Shipping

  • Same Day Shipping is not life or death.  Everyone will survive if the order ships Weds instead of Tuesday.   
  • Same Day Shipping Does Not Mean Same Day Delivery.   We get this all the time.
  • Most orders will ship out within 24 hours.   That's what it means.  Its not a guarantee.   
  • If you have a simple order that comes in at 3pm, it will probably get shipped the same day.   
  • If you order Monday, its most likely going to ship Tuesday.  

That's what we are striving for and what you can expect.   There are things that happen and if they do, we expect you to be human about it.  We will not tolerate profanity and threats over an order taking 1 day longer than you expected.   

We feel really good about the ability to ship out orders in 1 day. 

We are also now shipping on Saturday.  So all friday orders will ship Saturday instead of Monday or Tuesday. 

We are a small family company and when someone gets married, everyone is invited, so there may be times where we change the notice on the site to 2 days.